ZK Environment Variables To get a session log, set zklog=filename.log If you want the session log to accumulate multiple sessions, set zkoldlog=1 If you move zkpch.dat to a different directory than zk.exe, set zkpchdat=drive:\dir\zkpch.dat If you have a shortage of memory, or get error messages saying not enough memory could be allocated, it might help to set zkmb=9 or some other number, depending on the situation. However, the situations where this is a good solution are rare. It's usually better to go to the program manager --> control panel --> system --> virtual memory, and increase the size of your pagefile, and not set zkmb at all. In some unusual situations, it might be necessary to tell zk where to find zk.exe. If this happens, it will say so, and will ask you to set zkexe with the location of zk.exe, i.e. set zkexe=drive:\dir\zk.exe